My impression of him in his final years (when I knew him personally) was one of maximum flexibility in reading the culture coupled with maximum unwavering confidence in the gospel. I suspect that the reduction of pro-life issues into narrow political posturing would grieve him deeply, and the politicization of life that evangelical conservatives now espouse he would see as one more form of spiritual adultery. (The evangelical left and the anabaptists have made the same error here, as James Hunter points out, so I am not picking on one side.) Your last sentence says it well. He was not perfect, as we all know, but his passion for the Lordship of Christ across all of life is still the central thing I learned from him.
I agree with your criticism of the current conservative political idolatry in evangelical Christianity. If a person wanted to begin repenting of this sin in their lives, what would this repentance look like? Also, what would a more balanced political worldview look like? Are there any balanced books that you could recommend?
I do recommend a book--at least it helped me a great deal: Political Visions & Illusions: A Survey and Christian Critique of Contemporary Ideologies by David T. Koyzis. For me, at least Koyzis names our situation in biblical terms so we can begin to see clearly. Then it became a slow building process as I began to work through issues that make up the sort of tapestry of political concerns I have as a citizen and a Christian. In that building process, the materials and thinking of The Center for Public Justice (http://www.cpjustice.org/) have been invaluable. Hope this helps.
Franky is really going off the deep end and I am afraid that many are getting the wrong impression by what they read from him.
I agree that Schaeffer did want Christians to be consistent in their total lives. Sadly many are not.
Sadly, the difficulty is not linked to any one name but to several who have gained some fame in the public square. Thanks for commenting.
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