Denis, thanks for posting this here. Is this intramural "controversy" arising because of a confusion of what it means for "the church" to engage the culture?
There a profound (and some would say Biblical) difference between Christians engaging the culture in their professions and daily activities, as opposed to the church as an institution engaging the culture. A discussion should be had about what the mission of the church (as the institution established by Christ) is and always has been.
So is there a need for people to define their terms for the debate?
If someone suggests that you have said the exact opposite of what you have said, it might be viewed as charitable to think that it was "ghost reader's" fault. BreakPoint is researched and written by stringers and Colson has a long history of using ghost writers for his books, so the suggestion has a basis in fact.
The specific role of the church is an important question in this conversation. It's institutional character is critical. But the question is whether the church's influence is direct or indirect, mediated or unmediated. Is it the church gathered or scattered that acts as agents of shalom. Obviously, it's both. But one must carefully consider whether the church is a means or an end. What do we measure? Inward programs or outward impact? How seriously do we take the implications of Jeremiah 29:7, which suggests that the measuring starts not in the Jewish synagogues, but in the Babylonian institutions: when they flourish, you will flourish. Some of this work will be institutional, but most will be mediated through the gifts and callings of those God has brought to a particular church in response to their particular setting. Regarding defining terms, I would encourage a close reading of James Hunter's book and an engagement with the conversation surrounding it as found on www.faithfulpresence.com.
Sooooo many comments about Colson.
[bite m tongue, bite my tongue, bite my tongue]
At first glance it seems Seel accuses Colson of distorting Hunter , and then makes his point by distorting Colson.
Colson's one sentence summary of Hunter-- "The author suggests we take a break from the political wars and simply be a faithful presence wherever we are."-- may not be accurate (I'm still finishing Hunter's book, so my opinion on this point must wait.), but neither is Seel's reduction of Colson: "Nowhere does Hunter say, "Sit back and take care of ourselves and the church."
Straw men, anyone?
There is some speaking past one another, that's for certain. I haven't finished the book either, and will write more when I have.
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