In a world where our neighbors, friends and co-workers may
have world views very different from our own, how we speak about what we
believe matters. (Actually, it matters even if we live in a world which is not so
diverse, but that’s a different issue—it becomes especially important within a
pluralistic culture if we desire to be understood properly.)
I was reflecting on that when I read this brief quote by
John Stott. What he says is worth thinking about:
Submission and obedience
In my view the 1662
Prayer Book marriage service was wrong to include the word 'obey' in the
bride's vows. The concept of a husband who issues commands and of a wife who gives
him obedience is simply not found in the New Testament. The nearest
approximation to it is the cited example of Sarah who “obeyed Abraham, calling
him lord.” But even in that passage the apostle Peter’s actual instructions to
wives is the same as Paul’s, namely, “Be submissive to your husbands” (1 Pet.
3:1-6). And ... a wife’s submission is something quite different from obedience.
It is a voluntary self-giving to a lover whose responsibility is defined in
terms of constructive care; it is love’s response to love.
[excerpted from The
Message of Ephesians
(The Bible Speaks Today series: London: IVP, 1979), p.
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one (and I recommend you do so), sign up here.
This entry was posted
at Monday, January 25, 2010
and is filed under
Christian faith,
John Stott,
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I'll keep my ears to the ground but so far I've just caught the stories (mainly) in the NY Times--I've been teaching an all-day class at Covenant Seminary all last week so haven't had time for more than that.
Glad you wrote, even a long comment!
January 25, 2010 at 10:05 PM
Thanks, Denis. The NY Times had some good articles I was able to use. Hope you get a chance to catch your breath after teaching so much!
Looking forward to continue reading your blog,
January 27, 2010 at 10:37 PM
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