Thomas H. Kean and John Farmer Jr., the co-chairman and
senior counsel of the 9/11 commission bring some sane reflection on what the
Christmas bomb attempt implies for what the U.S. must do to enhance security.
There are procedural
fixes worth undertaking, of course, like mandating enhanced screening, or
installing body scanning technology, or coordinating the software used by
intelligence agencies, or instructing State Department personnel to query the
visa status of any person reported to be suspicious. Reforming the no-fly list
procedures, as President Obama has proposed, is certainly overdue. But in our
view the problem runs deeper, and requires a searching look at the structure of
government itself.
Despite the best
efforts of the 9/11 commission and other intelligence reformers, budgetary
authority over intelligence remains unaligned with substantive responsibility.
Turf battles persist among intelligence agencies. Power is sought while
responsibility is deflected. The drift toward inertia continues.
Government agencies
are most likely to succeed when structure matches mission. With its many
jurisdictional boundaries and its persistent bureaucratic fault lines, our
current system, although greatly improved since 9/11, affords too many
opportunities to let information slip, too many occasions for human frailty to
assert itself.
Their piece, “How 12/25 Was Like 9/11,” published as in the
Op-Ed section of the New York Times (January
5, 2010) can be read here.
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