In case you are confused, Denis: rabbits do not = German shepherd. Just sayin'.
Thanks for serving as animal wrangler and photographer on our little foray in the woods. It was fun.
It is true, as you point out, that:
rabbits ≠ to German shepherds
The correct relationship is:
rabbits > German shepherds. All dogs, actually.
Just so you know.
Love this.
Thanks, Sandy.
You might recognize the woods--just behind the L'Abri House.
It was fun to do.
Glad to be of service.
Hilarious! Two men and their blessed beasts living out their callings! Next time I am in Ridgefield CT for a nasty Dr. appt, I will have to see where the wild things were created! FYI while I was stalking Wikipedia for Sendak I found out that Richard Scarry lived and worked in Ridgefield too! Perhaps this is a sign that you will be called to write and illustrate a children's book soon!
Didn't know about Scarry, but the more the merrier I suppose. Will remember this if I find myself starting on a children's book--which I've never even dreamed of doing!
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